This is my favorite door knocker in Newport. I think it's on 99 Spring Street. The house is nearly falling down, but there are lights on at night so it appears someone lives there. I don't believe they use the front door, and if someone knocked with this the door may split into shards before their eyes.
Now that the obvious beauty of summer is behind me it is time to walk slowly with a large scarf and enjoy the little details. Happy October!
Yes, that is on Spring - intrigued me, as well - in fact I snapped it years ago.
Over many Summers and Fall stays in Newport I ventured out especially to photograph doors, finials, knockers, embellishments, etc........otherworldly craftsmanship and appointment.
You are lucky to stroll those streets, passages and crannies every day...........
Reader from WI
we love it because it involves animals, love every and anything w 'mals
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