Wednesday, November 16, 2011


My mother wore bracelets when I was a kid, specific ones everyday.  I would hear them cling together when I would misplace her in a store and she was easily found. 
Suffice it to say I have enjoyed bracelets since I was a child.  I required more and more rubber bracelets, made heaps of friendship bracelets and collected stretchy plastic neon hearts to wear with my swatch watches (multiples please). As a "rebellious" teen I graduated to chains and broken rhinestone necklaces safety-pinned around my arms. Now when the mood strikes me I will choose to stack studded wraps, blingy baubles, gold chains, and animals.
The message is that this is a very personal way to wear jewelry, an easy way to mix and match and get away with some combinations that mean something to only you. It's about the only jewelry you can wear multiples of and get away without looking gaudy or amateur. I know where I got every piece that I wear and what each one means to me.  I hope these photos below inspire your interest and your aesthetic in stacking an arm load of bracelets.
Colors pop against that black and white we love so much.

I love a double watch! 

Bold triple watch move.  Inspiring.

Simple but I love the neon pop against this graphic print.

All silver and stainless is more understated.

I see elephants...

Ooh love the texture of the beads mixed with the other shapes and watch.

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