I adore the color pink. It is my favorite color. Sure I have had bouts with yellow and orange, and green here and there. I always come back to pink. It seems that I choose pink as my favorite color during the happiest times in my life. I try on other colors as my favorites when I think I need a little break from myself.
Alas, I always come back to pink...
sign not from the Pink Elephant in beloved Boca Grande, FL... |
In the late 1600s "pink" was used to describe a yellowish pigment, then the most expensive color you could purchase. George Washington promptly painted rooms at Monticello in vibrant yellow tones. Eventually "pink" was used to describe a combination of red and white, and therefore was considered a masculine color due to its red origins. No one really knows why the switch occurred in the1940s to pink being considered a "feminine" color. I love a man in a pink shirt, blazer or pants.
"I adore pink. It is the navy blue of India." -Diana Vreeland*
(*I borrowed this from another blog, thank you. I wanted to share it with my blog friends.)
Hello! A pink typewriter is 1000x more chic than a pink Mac!