Friday, February 26, 2010

The Glove + Zipper As Inspiration

Reed Krakoff, Fall 2010 Show, NYC. The Glove. With slight zipper detail. Those impractical heels for the autumn chill. Glove + zipper + open strappy high heel? Take me away. In a good way.
We have no snow here today in Newport like the rest of the East Coast. I am jealous. But due to my freedom of no precipitation (except maybe in the form of driving rain) I am going to possibly wear pleather leggings out tonight. I said it. Pleather leggings. Out. In Newport of all places. I am practicing for someplace a slight tid bit more cosmopolitan...

1 comment:

  1. Gave you a small shout out today when I resurrected the vintage owl belt you posted about waaay back...XXOO
