As you may or may not know, I am a designer. A jewelry designer (and a collector, obsessor, decorator, exclaimer, etc...). Upon our most recent relocation I was contemplating the office options with Mr. M. Fortunately, something worked out in our favor and I am sitting in my 90% complete office! Hence why I have allowed myself to blog again after The Great Pack, The Big Move, and The Incredible Drive.
Someday I will post pix of my office when it is finished. There are elements of sisal, flokati, high gloss red, pink Liberty print shades (thank you Target), an antique french desk, and more long cotton draperies than Mr. M cares to recount. I have him to thank immensely for the space and it's conversion.
Back to work for now...the ball is rolling! Here are a couple of pix below that were inspiration for The Office/Studio/Haven/Den of Inspiration...
The theme here is organization and work space...of which I need more of both. |
The super chic office Mary McDonald decorated on "Million Dollar Decorators" (I heart that show). I am dying for the draperies. Hello! |
If I had a loveseat in a nook I would be sharing it with Dixie the yellow dog no doubt. |
Mary McDonald's coveted blue office. The lamps and the desk are insane. |
Now all I need is a well placed Zebra pelt...hmm. Dying to find some of those faux bamboo numbers lurking in someone's garage around here. |
This woman is also a designer, but a French one. And who cannot help but envy and want to reproduce what the French have done stylistically? I am merely a follower and an appreciator. I love her space though. Serene and organized. |
Thank you Mr. M for everything. xoxo